
Wavydrive For Android APK Download

About this app:

WavyDrive , es una app para el mvil que quiere ayudar a mejorar la Seguridad Vial de nuestras carreteras, informando a los conductores de sus hbitos de conduccin y de los mantenimientos preventivos y cuidados mecnicos para su coche, para que siempre est a punto y mejoremos entre todos, la salud de los vehculos que circulan por nuestras carreteras.

WavyDrive NO es solo una aplicacin con funcionalidades bsicas, sino tan increbles, como la conduccin silenciosa (para que nadie te moleste cuando ests al volante) o la peticin de presupuesto a tus talleres ms cercanos cuando requieras de ayuda mecnica (las ruedas o el cambio de aceite ms barato de tu ciudad, a un solo clic).

WavyDrive NO es solo disponer de un asesor mecnico personalizado, en carne y hueso, desde tu telfono.

WavyDrive busca colocarte tanto a ti como a tu vehculo en el centro de la ecuacin, donde la seguridad vial y la comodidad de un asesor mecnico con aos de experiencia, sean tus compaeros de viaje.

? Di hola a tu asesor mecnico
La pereza que nos inunda cuando pensamos en acudir al taller, en si me toca o no cambiar el aceite, en cada cunto toca reemplazar las pastillas de freno, es algo que aborda por igual a todo el mundo: me cuenten lo que me cuenten, no s nada de mecnica.

Por ello, hemos juntado la tecnologa en la conduccin con un asesor mecnico, personalizado y de carne y hueso: un mecnico al que podrs realizar consultas a travs de la aplicacin, y quien te va a enviar recordatorios de cundo toca cambiar los elementos ms habituales de desgaste del coche.

Manuel, toca cambiar las ruedas, que ah no entra ni una moneda de 20 cntimos, no digamos ya el canto de la moneda de euro, Antonia, toca cambio de aceite, que te ests pasando de los 15.000 kilmetros y a tu Ibiza no le gusta, Rodolfo, esas pastillas de freno que llevan chirriando desde hace 2 aos toca cambiarlas, no crees?.

? Di hola a la seguridad vial
Sabes cmo conduces? Conoces tus hbitos de conduccin? Si frenas o aceleras en exceso, cmo tomas las curvas? La tecnologa no falla (y tu smartphone tampoco), por ello, con WavyDrive tu telfono acta como tu mejor copiloto, y tras finalizar cada viaje sers capaz de consultar los datos de tu viaje, y entender cmo conducir de manera ms eficiente.

? Di hola al ahorro
Si a conocer mejor la manera en la que conduces, circular ms seguro y disponer de un asesor mecnico de confianza, le introduces el ahorro en la ecuacin, te queda una aplicacin elegante a la par que sencilla.

Utilizar con mayor suavidad y delicadeza el freno? Ahorro de pastillas de freno (y de dinero). Circular a la velocidad recomendada en autopista? Ahorro de gasolina (y de dinero). Conduccin silenciosa y tentaciones bloqueadas? Ahorro de multas (y de dinero).

? Di hola a la conduccin silenciosa
Activar la conduccin silenciosa es tan sencillo como presionar un botn: desde ese momento, cualquier interrupcin ser bloqueada por la aplicacin y, una vez que llegues seguro a tu destino, las notificaciones se mostrarn de nuevo (incluidas todas las bloqueadas, por supuesto).

? Gasolineras ms cercanas, saber dnde aparcaste el coche, plazas de aparcamiento, aviso de radares

Lo mejor de todo es el precio de la app: GRATIS. Cero patatero.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WavyDrive

Twitter: https://twitter.com/wavydrive

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wavydrive/

Web: https://wavydrive.com WavyDrive , is an app for mobile that wants to help improve the road safety of our roads, informing drivers of their driving habits and preventive maintenance and mechanical care for their car, so that always be ready and improve among all, the health of the vehicles that circulate on our roads.

WavyDrive It is NOT just an application with basic functionalities, but it is so incredible, like the silent driving (so nobody bothers you when you are at the wheel) or the budget request to your closer workshops when you need mechanical assistance (the wheels or the cheapest oil change in your city, just one click away).

WavyDrive It's NOT just having a personalized mechanical consultant, in the flesh, from your phone.

WavyDrive seeks to place both you and your vehicle at the center of the equation, where road safety and the comfort of a mechanical consultant with years of experience are your traveling companions.

? Say hi to your mechanical advisor
The laziness that floods us when we think about going to the workshop, whether or not it is my turn to change the oil, in how often it is necessary to replace the brake pads, is something that addresses everyone equally: tell me what they tell me, I do not know anything about mechanics.

For this reason, we have put together technology in driving with a mechanical, personalized and flesh-and-bone consultant: a mechanic to whom you can make inquiries through the application, and who will send you reminders of when to change the most common elements of car wear.

"Manuel, it's time to change the wheels, there's not even a 20-cent coin in there, let alone the song of the euro coin", "Antonia, change oil, you're getting past the 15,000 kilometers and your Ibiza he does not like it "," Rodolfo, those brake pads that have been chirping for 2 years now have to change them, do not you think? "

? Say hello to road safety
Do you know how you drive? Do you know your driving habits? If you brake or accelerate excessively, how do you take the curves? The technology does not fail (and your smartphone does not either), therefore, with WavyDrive your phone acts as your best co-pilot, and after completing each trip you will be able to consult the data of your trip, and understand how to drive more efficiently.

? Say hello to saving
If you know better the way in which you drive, circulate more safely and have a trusted mechanical advisor, you enter the savings in the equation, you have an elegant application at the same time that simple.

Use the brake more gently and delicately? Save brake pads (and money). Circular at the recommended speed on the highway? Fuel savings (and money). Silent driving and blocked temptations? Saving fines (and money).

? Say hello to silent driving
Activating silent driving is as simple as pressing a button: from that moment, any interruption will be blocked by the application and, once you arrive safely to your destination, the notifications will be displayed again (including all the blocked ones, of course).

? Nearest gas stations, know where you parked the car, parking spaces, radar warning ...

The best of all is the price of the app: FREE. Zero potato.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WavyDrive

Twitter: https://twitter.com/wavydrive

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wavydrive/

Web: https://wavydrive.com
Bugs detectados en Huawei Y5, LG K6 y Samsung S10+

Sincronizacin vehculos, usabilidad y mejora del posicionamiento.

[Nuevos desarrollos en marcha]
En Curso:
* Gestin mltiples vehculos desde la misma App
En Anlisis:
* Compatibilidad Android Auto
* Compartir Ubicacin durante el viaje, amigos/familiares
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App Information

Version Rating APP Vote Size
1.0.85 - 10 10.7 MB
Requirement Updated Installs Developer
Android 5.0+ 2019-04-30 1,000+ WavyDrive
High Speed Download