SunnySecurity - Safe & Easy 1.0.21

Sunnysecurity - Safe & Easy 1.0.21 For Android APK Download

About this app:

SunnySecurity is a simple utility app that includes but not limited to: Passwords leaks checking. All you needs is just provide the Email address and the system will check in the up-to-date databases if this Email is connected to the leaked accounts on the internet. This allows you to quickly understand if any of your account is in danger and changed the password for it Dangerous apps functionality allows to fins those applications which have sensitive permissions like camera microphone, locatio n, contacts, etc. So you can easy see them and understand which one you should trust and which should be removed or changed accessReal-time monitoring allows to quickly access these features through the dashboard so you feel safe and protected. ...
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App Information

Version Rating APP Vote Size
1.0.21 4.7605634 11761 -
Requirement Updated Installs Developer
6.0 2024-05-31 1429329 Emerald Family
High Speed Download