Algebra & Sequences 3.1.4

Algebra & Sequences 3.1.4 For Android APK Download

About this app:

Fun, colourful and interactive GCSE maths revision apps providing thousands of examples, clues and easy-to-remember revision notes. Passing your maths exam starts here!

Why did we create these apps?
Because we know how it feels to read through big, boring, heavy maths textbooks. And we didn't like it either!

What's so good about them?
Unlike textbooks and some other maths apps out there, most of the examples in our apps are randomly generated and can be shuffled an unlimited number of times. This means that you won't be able to memorise answers, and that you'll actually learn how to do the working out properly! It also means that you'll be continuously tested.....

So what makes them not boring?
All of our apps are colourful and interactive. You're not just reading pages upon pages of numbers. You're actually looking at questions, revealing clues to help you out, and then (hopefully) working out the correct answer!

For more information and screenshots please visit


Basic Algebra

* Introduction
* English to Algebra
* Substituting Values
* Solving Expressions
* Like and Unike terms
* Simplifying Expressions
* Factorising

More Algebra

* Constructing Equations
* Solving Equations
* Rearranging Equations
* Using Equations
* Checking your answer

Sequences and Patterns

* Introduction
* Sequence Types
* Finding the Nth term
Read more

App Information

Version Rating APP Vote Size
3.1.4 0 0 -
Requirement Updated Installs Developer
4.0 and up December 24, 2016 5+ Alkane Solutions Ltd
High Speed Download