TClas 1.0

Tclas 1.0 For Android APK Download

About this app:

Quiere ahorrarse llevar todas sus tarjetas de claves en el bolsillo?
Aqu est la solucin, tanto para tarjetas matriciales como lineales.
Con el fin de evitar copias de terceros (Ej. fotografiar las tarjetas de claves que usted pudiera llevar en imgenes en su Smartphone y que, al consultar, puedieran ser fotografiadas o grabadas malintencionadamente), TClas no har fotografas de sus Tarjetas, le ahorrar el engorro de tener que llevarlas consigo fsicamente, las encriptar y slo mostrar la cla ve que solicite.

El nico permiso que necesita esta APP es acceso a su Tarjeda SD para, si es el caso, importar/exportar sus claves a ella.
No tiene permiso de acceso a internet, lo que le ahorrar publiciad no deseada, compras de productos extraos, acceso a servidores no deseados, nubes, etc.
Toda la informacin de sus tarjetas permanecen aisladas en su telfono.
Slo tiene que recordar una Password para consultar cualquier clave de cualquiera de las Tarjetas de Claves creadas.

Do you want to save carrying all your key cards in your pocket?
Here is the solution for both matrix and linear cards.
In order to avoid copies of third parties (e. g. photographing the key cards that you may carry in images on your Smartphone and which, when viewed, may be photographed or maliciously recorded), TClas will not take photographs of your cards, will save you the hassle of having to carry them physically, encrypt them and will only display the key you request.

The only permission this APP needs is access to your SD Card to import/export your passwords to it.
You don't have permission to access the internet, which will save you unwanted advertising, purchases of foreign products, access to unwanted servers, clouds, etc.
All of your card information remains isolated in your phone.
Just remember a Password to view any key in any of the Key Cards created.
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App Information

Version Rating APP Vote Size
1.0 0 0 -
Requirement Updated Installs Developer
4.0.3 and up October 28, 2017 1+ CarlosA
High Speed Download