Garena Liên Quân Mobile

Garena Liên Quân Mobile For Android APK Download

About this app:

IMPORTANTE: पैरा कुए seja possvel monitorar FILHOS , इस aplicativo विकास के उद्देश्यों सेवा utilizado उन्हें Conjunto कॉम ओ aplicativo AppGuardian - वर्सो Filhos।

एक conexo Mais forte कॉम सिउ फिल्हो कोई pode सेवा कॉम ओ वाई-फाई। उमा criana conectada Precisa डी orientao, regras definidas ई पाइस सेम्पर p resentes। पोर isso ओ controle पैतृक importante, कोई tudo mas!

AppGuardian Mais कुए controle माता पिता का, उमा ferramenta पैरा proteger सिउ FILHOS डॉस perigos दा विडा conectada।

Mais डी 10 motivos पैरा अमर ओ AppGuardian:

1. नियंत्रण sobre एक rotina ई tarefas डॉस सिउ FILHOS
Crie rotinas dirias कहां semanais कॉम गति limitado ई ainda permita ओ uso कहां bloqueie Aplicativos especficos। Fica एफसीआईएलcontrolar acesso डिजिटल ई monitorar सिउ FILHOS।

2. Crie momentos उन्हें famlia ई GARANTÄ एक interao longe दास Telas
Quer desligar ओ सेल्यूलर de Todos पैरा उम जंतर उन्हें famlia? Bloqueie ओएस aparelhos डॉस FILHOS संख्या गुट। हे controle पैतृक garante कुए उम गति डी qualidade Ao lado de सिउ FILHOS।

3. निर्धारित उम गति limite पैरा एक conexo डॉस सिउ FILHOS
quanto गति सिउ FILHOS ficaro conectados निर्धारित करें। Indique quantas horas पोर व्यास। Controlar acesso डिजिटल ficou एफसीआईएल!

4. Saiba एक localizao डी सिउ FILHOS
Fique tranquilo उन्हें acompanhar na होरा पोर onde सिउ FILHOS Andam, sem precisar ligar कहां नया संदेश भेजे मेरे mensagem। Monitore एक localizao डॉस FILHOS atravs दा tela डे सिउ में सेल्यूलर। Existe segurana Maior कर कुए कृपाण एक localizao डॉस FILHOS उन्हें गति वास्तविक?

5. Tenha controle sobre ओएस क्षुधा baixados removidos कहां पोर सिउ FILHOS।
पैरा quem deseja उम एप्लिकेशन ब्लॉक, एक soluo AppGuardian! Bloqueie Alguns Aplicativos ई mantenha tambmo controle sobre नोवोस क्षुधा instalados। कॉम ओ controle पैतृक कर AppGuardian VOC pode monitorar FILHOS डी Perto, कॉम segurana!

6. हे सेल्यूलर डी सिउ FILHOS स्था bloqueado मास VOCs precisam से Falar?
उपयोग ओ मैसेंजर आंतरिक करते AppGuardian ई GARANTÄ सेम्पर एक sua comunicao कॉम Eles, Independente bloqueio सेल्यूलर करते हैं।

7. GARANTÄ कुए ओ AppGuardian जारी रखने के instalado ओपन स्कूल aparelhos डॉस सिउ FILHOS
कॉम ओ Bloqueio डी Desinstalao VOC garante कुए ओ एप्लिकेशन continuar सेम्पर ativo ई funcionando।

8. नियंत्रण ओ कुए सिउ FILHOS instalam ई desinstalam उन्हें सिउ aparelhos
Mantenha bloqueado ओ acesso डी सिउ FILHOS Loja de Aplicativos एंड्रॉयड। Monitorar डिजिटल acesso डॉस FILHOS ficou एफसीआईएल!

9. Conhea ओएस Aplicativos Mais usados ई Tenha controle डिजिटल sobre रूप atividades डॉस सिउ FILHOS
Diretamente उन्हें सिउ में सेल्यूलर, Veja ओएस 10 Aplicativos Mais usados pelo सिउ फिल्हो। एक Oportunidade पैरा iniciar उम dilogo, perguntando sobre ओएस कुए VOC ainda कोई conhece Aproveite। ई lembre-se सेम्पर कुए isso कोई controle डॉस पाइस। estar presente mesmo कोई estando Perto deles ओ व्यास कार्य करने की।

10 Limite ओ uso डॉस aparelhos pelos सिउ FILHOS pelo गति कुए VOC desejar
एम मामले डे desobedincia, कोई Mais necessrio tirar कहां desligar ओ सेल्यूलर deles। Basta limitar ओ uso de Todos os Aplicativos instalados ई habilitar somente रूप Funes डी telefone ई एसएमएस पैरा Manter sua comunicao।

11. कॉम एप्लिकेशन अभिभावक VOC pode monitorar acesso डिजिटल उन्हें quantos aparelhos desejar
Acrescente quantos aparelhos Quiser पैरा cada फिल्हो cadastrado ई crie perfil डी monitoramento पैरा ओ गोली कहां स्मार्टफोन दा famlia।

12. Ao acesso Tenha histrico डी क्षुधा instalados ई desinstalados pelos सिउ FILHOS
Receba notificaes एक cada instalaoe desinstalao डी क्षुधा ओपन स्कूल aparelhos डी सिउ FILHOS ई Saiba ओ कुए baixaram।

13. Saiba quanto गति सिउ FILHOS ficaram conectados
Tenha उम चित्रमाला गेरल de uso डॉस aparelhos डॉस सिउ FILHOS atravs डी grficos साधारण। Veja ओ uso dirio, mensal ई semanal कुल ई पोर aplicativo।

Quer एप्लिकेशन ब्लॉक Mais eficiente कर कुए esse? Controlar ई monitorar acesso डिजिटल prtico ई सेगुरो। Proteja सिउ FILHOS कॉम AppGuardian! IMPORTANT: In order to be able to monitor children, this application must be used in conjunction with the AppGuardian - Children Version.

The strongest connection with your child can not be with the wi-fi. A connected child needs guidance, defined rules, and ever-present parents. That's why parental control is so important, but that's not all!

AppGuardian is more than parental control, it's a tool to protect your kids from the dangers of connected life.

More than 10 reasons to love AppGuardian

1. Control over your children's routine and tasks
Create daily or weekly routines with limited time and still allow the use or block specific applications. It is easy to control digital access and monitor your children.

2. Create family moments and ensure interaction away from the screens
Want to hang up everyone's cell phone for a family dinner? Lock your children's devices in one click. Parental control ensures a quality time alongside your children.

3. Determine a time limit for connecting your children
Determine how long your children will stay connected. Indicate how many hours per day. Controlling digital access is easy!

4. Know the location of your children
Be easy to keep track of when your kids walk, without having to call or send a message. Monitor the location of the children through the screen of your mobile. Is there greater security than knowing children's location in real time?

5. Have control over apps downloaded or removed by your children.
For those who want an app block, AppGuardian is the solution! Block some applications and also keep track of new apps installed. With AppGuardian's parental control you can monitor children closely, safely!

6. Your children's cell phone is blocked but do you need to talk?
Use AppGuardian's built-in Messenger and always ensure your communication with them, regardless of the phone lock.

7. Ensure that AppGuardian remains installed on your children's devices
With Uninstall Lock you ensure that the app will always remain up and running.

8. Control what your children install and uninstall on their devices
Keep your children's access to the Android application store blocked. Monitoring children's digital access is easy!

9. Get to know the most used applications and have digital control over your children's activities.
Directly on your mobile phone, see the 10 most used apps for your child. Take the opportunity to start a dialogue by asking about those you do not know yet. And always remember that this is not parental control. It is to be present even though not being around them all day.

10. Limit the use of the devices by your children for as long as you wish
In case of disobedience, it is no longer necessary to take or disconnect their cell phone. Simply limit the use of all installed applications and enable only the phone and SMS functions to maintain their communication.

11. With app guardian you can monitor digital access on as many devices as you want
Add as many devices as you want for each registered child and create a tracking profile for the family's tablet or smartphone.

12. Access history of apps installed and uninstalled by your children
Get notifications for every installation and uninstallation of apps on your kids' gadgets and find out what they've downloaded.

13. Know how long your children have been connected
Get an overview of using your children's devices with simple graphics. See daily, monthly and weekly usage total and per application.

Want an app block more efficient than this? Controlling and monitoring digital access is practical and secure. Protect your kids with AppGuardian! Agradecemos पोर Usar ओ AppGuardian! Queremos पाइस ई FILHOS conectados, सेम्पर, पोर इस क्षेत्र को खाली fazemos atualizaes peridicas पैरा melhorar cada vez Mais ओ Nosso aplicativo कॉम एक opinio डॉस usurios। एस्टा पीठ inclui:

Adicionamos नोवा ए.बी.ए. especfica डी navegadores NAS funcionalidades डी bloqueios;

नग envie राय, sugestes ई ideias पैरा। Retornaremos आस्सिम कुए pudermos। Conte Pra लोग!
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App Information

Version Rating APP Vote Size - 263 34.5 MB
Requirement Updated Installs Developer
Android 5.0+ 2019-05-13 10,000+ AppGuardian Controle Parental, Localização Filhos
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