Daily Japanese-Chinese-English 4.1.36

Daily Japanese-chinese-english 4.1.36 For Android APK Download

About this app:

Daily Japanese-Chinese-English
Dictionary of Conversation for Android

The opportunity to use foreign languages has increased greatly in recent years. Leaving aside the difficult stuff, it would be great to be able to say and to communicate with foreigners, as that would make travel and encounters with foreign strangers so much more enjoyable. This electronic dictionary is built to encourage users in this area.

Audio pronunciations by native speakers have been added for all Japanese, Chinese, and English phrases. Tapping on the audio pronunciation icon of a phrase will play back that audio file. Listen and learn from natural Japanese, Chinese, and English speech.

The dictionary consists of 27 chapters, divided into different aspects of travel and life. Pinyin romanization and katakana pronunciation accompany Chinese phrases. As indicated in the title with Japanese-Chinese-English, English is also included in the mix, which will allow you to enjoy the unique Chinese culture through English phrases as well.

Applicable models2011/9/6
Android OS2.2
Android OS2.3

Android OS3.0Unsupported

Regza phoneT-01COS2.2
Optimus chat L-04C
Optimusbright L-07C
Xperia arcSO-01C
Xperia acroSO-02C
Xperia ray SO-03C
AQUOS phone SH-12C
optimus Pad L-06C Unsupported

Regza phone IS04)
AQUOS phone IS12SH
Xperia acroIS11S
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App Information

Version Rating APP Vote Size
4.1.36 0 0 -
Requirement Updated Installs Developer
5.0 and up August 5, 2019 100+ ??????????
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