CeleBreak - Play Football 3.11.13

Celebreak - Play Football 3.11.13 For Android APK Download

About this app:

Want to play football or soccer in Los Angeles, Frankfurt, Munich, Barcelona, Madrid or Mlaga?CeleBreak organizes lots of friendly games each day in your city, no need to know people beforehand to play or to commit to playing every week. Here you can play whenever and wherever you want.Join the CeleBreak communityCeleBreak plays men's football, women's football, and mixed football, on artificial turf, natural turf, and indoor fields. You can join our games individually or with friends.Don't worr y about anything other than getting to the field ready to play. A CeleBreak host will welcome you and provide balls, bibs, and will take care of giving you the best experience.Our communityCeleBreak grows day by day with a vibrating community of football players and lovers.We have presence in 3 countries - United States, Germany and Spain - 7 cities and have more than 50 different fields you can play in. We have organized more than 22k games with more than 25k different players and crafted more than 315k soccer experiences. There will be a CeleBreak organizer that will keep the teams even and motivated, ensuring the quality of the game.What will you find in the app?Weekly game schedule, times and availability, location / field map, messages, add friends, or pay online.How we play?We offer: 11v11 football, 7v7 football and 8v8 football for men, women and mixed players. Artificial turf. We also offer 6v6 and 5v5. 1 hour of football.Celebreak is a soccer and social experience. A hassle free way you can play the beautiful game while making new friends! See you on the pitch. #PlayFootballEveryday ...
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App Information

Version Rating APP Vote Size
3.11.13 0 0 -
Requirement Updated Installs Developer
5.0 2023-11-08 105276 CeleBreak
High Speed Download